April 8, 2016

Little Pitchers . . .

may or may not have big ears, but they sure are cute! If three similar items equals a collection, here is a new one of mine:

I like all three of these little beauties, and the most expensive was only .90 cents.

Close ups:


They're great for small vignettes or a tiny sprig of flowers. My vote is two thumbs up for three new additions.

Have a wonderful weekend!


1 comment:

Tricia said...

These pitchers are so charming! I wish you could see my Great-Aunt Lottie's pitcher collection. Mom has it in the top of a secretary she also inherited from Aunt Lottie, as we called her. She was our sweetest aunt, a widow before we were born, so we always assumed she was a teenager, since she wasn't married and had no children.