June 24, 2013

Pleased to meet you

Hello, all,

Sorry for the gaps last week. The heat just about did me in, not a good sign since there are months of much worse still ahead. 

The beach/sea shell theme is fun and cooling to some extent. Here is how the front door looks:
I used a string of starfish from Big Lots on a grapevine wreath we already had. I hope the mail carriers and UPS drivers enjoy it. They're about the only people who ever come to the front of the house. We are on such a busy street it's really impossible to park there: the drive is behind the house, which is on a corner.

Mail delivery is iffy anyway. Don't get me wrong, our neighborhood post office is great. Sadly, though, our designated postman died over a year ago, walking on his route. He had a heart attack, which was terrible. Since then no single person has been assigned to this area permanently. It's a different person every day, which can be confusing. The counter service is always friendly and competent, though, so this isn't a complaint. I wish we had a larger porch to decorate that wasn't right on a freeway, but for now this is what we have to work with and a wreath is still fun. 

In front of Target today a woman told her small child "No, Christmas won't come for a long, long time!" which is probably true for the little girl. Since we somehow seem to be already in the last week of June, time  is flying by so fast that may not be the case for some of us geezers, though! 

I hope you're enjoying June and looking forward to July.


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