July 21, 2015

A little lemonade

Hey, there. I hope your day is going well and isn't as hot and humid as Houston. 

A while back a bag of assorted wooden doll furniture turned up in a thrift shop. I thought it might sell on ebay, but was wrong.
There are two chairs, a dining table, a stool and my favorite, the floor lamp. Since it's still here, why not use it myself?

Here is a stuffed mouse enjoying the ambiance.
A comfy sofa, side chair for guests and a lamp--what else does a mouse need?

I've got to run off to change clothes soon. Tonight we're celebrating Mr. B's birthday a day late, since the restaurant isn't open on Monday. Which we found out last year when we tried there for mine in January. Thus the quickie today.

Take it easy!

1 comment:

Rue said...

Happy Birthday to Mr. B! I don't know why no one bought the doll furniture... I think it's cute :)
