December 6, 2013

Hanging out in the dining room

Hello, folks, how's it going? We are having cold weather for a change, a startling turn of events, since all too often it's over 80 in November and December.

Staying indoors, a little more decoration has been done in the dining room.

The cat shrine has a  few holiday touches; next to it is a berry wreath:
On the buffet, inside the terrarium:
The terrarium has a Christmas cactus in it and a pretty plate behind it with some mini candle lights in the foreground. The wooden church that was a gift from middle daughter Mary has a tiny red picket fence around it from a thrift shop.
on the bookcase, a tiny red pickup carries a tiny bottle brush tree. They are on top of a wooden book-shaped box with beautiful poinsettias on the front, a score at Tuesday Morning this past January at deep discount.

Now here, we see Santa taking a new approach:
He  may deliver toys by sleigh, but it seems as if he's hauling a tree home using a truck. 

I hope you all are enjoying your own decorating efforts and your family and friends are impressed. 

Till next time,

1 comment:

Linda said...

For those of you who haven't seen Michele's decorating in person, let me tell you, the photos do not do it justice! She is quite talented. Additionally, my daughter was the recipient of the new baby gift. The animal crackers tin was a perfect gift box, & the gifts inside are so charming.