September 3, 2014

A bit of fall, y'all.

Hello, friends,

Happy hump day to all who are longing for the weekend, even after the holiday Monday. This afternoon I dragged out a bunch of my autumn decorations and made a start. Here are the results so far:
The little corner shelf has some foliage picks in a tiny basket and a big gourd.
Here is the left of the tall bookcase pair in the library with a bird, a squirrel nut cracker, acorns and berry topiary twins.
On the opposite side, some deer accents and a wonderful season picture that is a card once sent me by my dear friend Betty in Austin. It is so adorable I hung onto it till a frame the right size turned up; now it makes an appearance every September.
Last but not least, the old suitcase is sporting acorns galore, foliage and on the shelf above, a tiny pumpkin and some pine cone candles. 

The good news is that it's the right time to put these out. The bad news is a horrible mess was made in the process and this one can't be blamed on the cats, alas. Better go start digging out. It's probably too late in the day to rent a front end loader; darn!

Have a good one!


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